Lord Denning and I totally shop in all of the same places.

Can I just say, I love Lord Denning.

Why? Well, the other day I was sent to the Eden & Ravenscroft store by my Grandmother to ask if they were interested in buying some robes. For those of you who haven’t heard of it before its a super old store in London that was opened in 1689, and is the City’s OLDEST tailor. Its basically where you go to buy your wigs, barristers robes, legal dress, parliamentary outfits etc. – very grand. (The Queen even gets her ceremonial outfits from there). Anyway, when I was standing in there envisaging myself wearing a barristers wig, I saw Lord Denning’s hat box on display. The store assistants (probably as a result of my gawking face) quickly told me that he was one of their most loyal customers and bought all of his legal dress from there. – That’s right, I totally shop where Denners shops.

Anyway, now I’ve decided that Lord Denning is my absolute fave. Who knew that a shopping trip could actually boost my legal knowledge? The world is looking up.

As a side note, I only wish my admiration for Denning had evolved last year when I was sitting my Property Exam. I vaguely recall him having quite a bit to do with Land Law, but I couldn’t remember his name in my exam. Maybe that’s why I didn’t do so well.

Off to research ‘Lord Denning is my Home Boy’ Tees to wear to the gym,

Law School Princess
